
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This past weekend, Carly (a good friend who shares a heart for the Native youth) and a couple of the youth group girls spent the weekend at home with me. We drove up to the farm where I grew up and the girls got a taste of country life . . . running around in the yard, sitting around the campfire, and watching for shooting stars (we saw TWO!). It was really special to have the girls there and share with them a glimpse of what life was like for me growing up. As we were leaving on Saturday afternoon, my parents made sure to let the girls know that they were welcome to come back anytime. Shelby didn’t miss a beat and responded, “OK, I’ll be back tomorrow.” We all had a GREAT time!

               Carly and Shelby…having fun with marshmallows. 😉
Another part of this past weekend was special meetings at the Tokio church. Most of the boys who came to Missouri have been making an effort to show up at church events since we got back. It’s really exciting to see them walk in the door . . . and so encouraging to know that they are making an effort to keep themselves occupied with positive things! Keep praying for them and ask the Lord to give them the strength and courage to make wise choices so that their faith will continue to take root!

And just when you think the day is winding down . . . as I was driving back to Oberon from Tokio on Sunday night, I came across a stalled vehicle and 3 adults and 2 kids waving me down on the road. It was late, dark, and chilly, so I stopped to see what they needed. They all huddled around the window and I was greeted by two little girls saying, “Naomi!! Naomi!!” The girls were students at Oberon a couple of years ago and they came to the Fort Totten Rec when Darcy did her program earlier this spring. To make a long story short, we got them all back home and also made plans for one of the girls to get out to Fahocha Bible Camp this week . . . it’s her age group and Darcy is the speaker! When I picked her up on Monday morning to take her to camp, she was pretty excited . . . she said she even had a dream about it! Keep her in your prayers this week and ask the Lord to encourage her and capture her heart while she is at camp!

2 responses to “What A Day May Hold…”

  1. Hey, can I come play at your house, too? I’m so encouraged to hear that the guys are hanging in there! We miss all of you…