
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement, friends!  The week in Missouri was great . . . kind of like a week of camp where you meet great people, have tons of fun, and experience God in a new way.  Another thing that made the week so great was joining up with Joe and Sue Rogers and being a “team” for the week.  Since I was the only chaperone in our group, it was a relief to have Joe, Sue, and Phil there to step in . . . thanks again, you guys!
It was especially exciting to watch the Lord move in the hearts of the guys who came with us.  I was a little unsure what they would think of the services and even wondered if they would actually come to them.  So as you can probably imagine, I looked on through tears as they walked to the front more than once to spend time in prayer and worship.  Most evenings, our group would get together and talk about what the Lord was teaching us and showing us.  It was pretty clear from watching the guys during the services that something inside of them was changing.  As our time in Missouri came to an end and going home got closer, I wondered how these changes would play out once we got back and I really started to pray that the Lord would keep their hearts tender and cause His truth to take deep root in them.  
After being home for almost a week, we all got together again last night and sat around a campfire at the church to hang out and talk about the week.  Three of the guys shared that they have been reading their Bibles since they got home (thank you, Jesus!).  Please pray for these guys and for the rest of the youth that experienced Jesus in Missouri.  Pray that they would continue to experience Christ and GROW in their faith now that they are home . . . ask the Lord to protect them, encourage them, and strengthen them!  It’s a comfort to remember that this work is up to the Lord, not me . . . and He is able.