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Thoughts & Inspiration

March update

March is spring-break month for most college students, even those way down in Missouri! 🙂 Our dear Christina (in the picture with me to the left) is finishing her first year as a student at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO. She made a “guest appearance” at youth group one Wednesday evening while she was home for spring break and shared about what God is doing in her life. There were just a couple of girls there that evening and it was a great time to laugh, eat, talk, and share a bit of our hearts. Christina has a passion for the Lord and a passion to share Him with others. She shared with us that she is part of a small group of Native students that prays regularly for revival on the reservations across the country. Her testimony and life choices have been a powerful example to those around her . . . especially to these girls who, like Christina, grew up on this reservation and face some of the same difficulties. 
Keep Christina in your prayers as she finishes up the school year and makes summer plans! Pray that the Lord would continue to use Christina to draw others to Him as they see His power and presence in her life. Please continue to pray, too, for the youth group girls (one of them will graduate from high school in May!). Pray that they would understand and experience more and more of the Lord’s love and freedom in their lives.     

School life has become such a “normal” part of life that I sometimes forget to mention it! It’s hard to believe that three years have gone so quickly and I don’t realize how much time has gone by until I start thinking about how young the kids were when I first started. There is something very special about being a part of these kids’ daily lives and seeing them grow in so many ways. Every once in awhile, one of the kids asks a question about why I “talk on the radio.” 🙂 And almost daily, one or more of the kids is anxious to tell a story-good or bad-about something that happened at home the night before. From my view, these moments are not incredibly significant. But I am so thankful that “significance” does not dependent on my view! Even in these small and simple moments, I ask the Lord to somehow impact these precious young lives. I pray that the kids would see Him in me and sense His Spirit. I am so thankful, too, for several other school staff members who share a personal faith in Christ and have a heart to create a safe and loving environment for these kids. As you can imagine, the school can be a quite a spiritual battleground and the enemy works hard to steal and destroy. Please keep us in your prayers! Pray that the Lord would protect the work that He is doing in the lives of the kids. Pray that the Lord would protect and encourage the staff members and help each of us to keep our focus on Him, trusting Him for each step.