
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Here are some pieces of life here…
Campus Ministry:  I got an email from the Campus Crusade director at Minot State University . . . he emailed to let me know about an event they had coming up at the community college in Fort Totten.  The event was last Friday and is hopefully the beginning of regular events.  Not sure exactly what all the Lord has in store or how it will unfold, but it’s an exciting start!  The campus ministry is called Nations (click here to check out their website). 
Youth Group:  We continue to meet every Wednesday in Tokio and we’re slowly working our way through the book of Philippians.  I’m always glad to run into kids from youth group at basketball games or Walmart, and a few of them are pretty faithful to keep in touch by calling or emailing.  But getting them to come to Bible study on Wednesdays has been a challenge lately.  Please ask the Lord to bring them back and make us a strong body of believers that can encourage and support each other in our faith in Christ!
Radio:  I know that I haven’t given a radio update lately, but that IS still a weekly activity!  It’s a struggle sometimes, but I’m so thankful for that opportunity and I get excited when I think about the ways that the Lord can use it.  Matthew usually shares each week, too, and the Lord is really using him.  Kenny joined us last week and I always enjoy hearing what he has to say, as well as the very hip Christian rap music he brings.  He’s a natural. 😉  The program airs every Sunday sometime around (or shortly after) 12:00pm . . . 90.7 FM if you want to check it out!
Jami’s family:  I was so glad to see Jami’s mom and visit with her the other night at a basketball game.  She and Jami’s sister had just returned from a trip to Washington D.C. where they testified about suicide prevention.  Jami’s mom also recently did a presentation at one of the schools in the area about suicide prevention.  Part of her presentation included sharing from Ephesians 6 about the armor of God!  Please ask the Holy Spirit to continue to reveal the Truth and expose the enemy!

The battle:  Sara Groves says it best in her song, Boxer . . . “When You said this was a fight, You weren’t kidding.”  It is SUCH a fight, friends, and I plead with the Lord daily to strengthen and protect us and the work that He is doing here, to have His way, and to bring good out of difficulty and pain.  Almost every believer that I talk to here is dealing with some serious trials and/or circumstances that are causing discouragement, frustration, division among believers, and an overall sense of wanting to give up and run away.  Please pray against this!  Sara Groves quotes 1 John 4:4 later in the song, Boxer, and though my heart is weary sometimes, I am clinging to that truth and to the many other promises that our faithful God has given. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for serving Him with us!