
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Something that the Lord has put on my heart recently is the importance of coming together as believers and encouraging each other as the Body of Christ. 
Over the past few months, I’ve had conversations with other believers and ministers on the reservation who all seemed to be in the “heat of the battle”, struggling with serious discouragement and heartache.  After several of these conversations, we made a plan to get together.  Not to plan a ministry event, not to lead a service, not to do, but simply to be together as one Body.  To share.  Listen.  Encourage.  Pray. 
Last night was our first get-together and five of us sat around a table at Dakota Baptist Church in Fort Totten, eating M&Ms and sharing our hearts about the joys and pains of life and ministry on the rez.  It was such a blessing to hear about what each person has been experiencing and such an encouragement to hear about how the Lord has and is bringing them through!  It was a very special time, talking about the Lord, reminding each other of truth, “building each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and praying together.
I think last night was a confirmation that we need to continue to get together like this.  Our plan right now is to set aside one night a month to talk, encourage, and pray together.  Please pray that the Body of Christ on the reservation would be unified and strengthened!  Ask the Lord to use these get-togethers to unify us as one Body and to encourage each other in the various works that the Lord has us doing.  Pray that people would see Christ’s love and grace through us as we love and encourage each other.  

5 responses to “One Body”

  1. That is awesome Nome! I’m glad it was an encouraging time for you. 🙂 Look forward to seeing you soon.

  2. Hey there girl, glad to hear you have started to share together and pray. That is so important. We all have times when we think there is no one who could understand or no one who has walked this path, encountered these trials. That is a lie from the pit. He told us to walk together, to encourage each other, that one could put a thousand to flight but two ten thousand, that two are better than one if one falls the other is there to pick us up. I am in your corner. You have been on my mind and in my heart a lot. My prayers have bombarded the throne at time. So know that your “Daddy God” does remind us to come to the throne on your behalf. We are all in this together. Love you Nome look forward to seeing you this month.

  3. My heart soared for you and your group when I read your Blog. This is what the Body of Christ is, Jesus to each other. You can reach so many more for the Kingdom when you are unified in the Lord. God has great things in store for you all. To God Be The Glory!

  4. Hey Naomi-
    Great to hear about what’s goin on and getting your updates. Your attitude is refreshing and sweetand God sees EVERYTHING and will give you ALL that you need and won’t hold back 1 good thing from those kids nor you!! As I’m memmorizing Psalm 34, verses 9-10 really are sweet for me now and pray for you too!

    I can imagine the spiritual warfare is DEEP-I lived tehre for 12 years so I’ve got an idea!

    HEy woman I gotta run-but I will continue soon!
    🙂 hugs Carmen