
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve had a few especially neat conversations over the past few days…
Convo #1:  One of the girls who came to our Tokio group regularily last year hasn’t been in the area for the past few months, so hasn’t been able to come to Wednesday-night Bible studies.  I got a phone call from her this past week and was so glad to hear from her!  She was full of questions about what we’ve been studying and reading at Bible study . . . we came up with a plan for me to mail her the “notes” from Bible study so that she can kind of follow along with us, even though she’s not there with us.  Although she doesn’t have a Bible study to attend, she’s got her Bible and a great Christian radio station that she listens to (which gave me a brand new appreciation for Christian radio!).  Please pray that the Lord would protect this sweet young lady and encourage her in her faith in Him!
Convo #2:  A young lady from the church in Tokio gave her life to Jesus this past fall.  She has a deep hunger and desire to live for Christ.  She is a young mother and wife, so I don’t usually get to see her on Wednesday nights.  But she and I spent some time together after church last Sunday and those couple of hours were full of sharing and learning about the Lord.  It’s such a blessing for me to see and hear first-hand what He is teaching others, especially new believers.  Pray that this dear sister would continue to learn and grow.  Pray, too, that her husband would have a personal experience with Christ as she lives for Him.

Convo #3:  The other night, a lady from the reservation who knows Jesus and has a special boldness to speak the truth, shared with us about an invitation she received recently to pray at Waconi, a drug and alcohol treatment facility here on Spirit Lake.  Since that invitation, she has been there more than once, preaching Jesus, inviting His Spirit there, and rebuking demonic spirits.  She shared with us that 5 of the men there got saved–thank you, Jesus!  Pray that the Lord would protect the new faith that these men have…pray that they would grow and be powerful testimonies for the power of Jesus!
Convo #4:  A couple of days after hearing about the men at Waconi, I was at a meeting for my work at the school.  When I got to the meeting, I ran into a man who graduated from North Dakota Teen Challenge a few years ago.  During the course of our conversation, he told me that the Lord has put on his heart a desire to lead a drug and alcohol recovery group–a group that emphasizes the need for Jesus as the answer to addiction–on the reservation!  Is it not incredible how the Lord puts things together?!  I told him about the men at Waconi and will hopefully be able to arrange for him to come and share his testimony with them.  Please pray that the Lord would continue to lead and direct and take care of all of the details of His perfect plans!  I’ll keep you posted on what comes of this…
Continue to intercede, friends…the enemy hates the victory that the Lord has and he continues to work to steal, kill, and destroy.  Pray that he and his schemes would be exposed and ask the Lord to give us victory and strength in the daily battles that we fight!