
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My summer schedule so far has included things like quick trips to Bismarck (picking up kids–one of the guys we met last year at WLS is spending the month with us here and he needed a ride!), good hang-out/conversation time with various kids, a couple of visits to FaHoCha (a couple of the youth are out there for camp this week!), and lots of planning and preparing for the upcoming week of missions at Tokio.  
This Saturday, the group from Ohio will arrive and we’ll start our week of ministry at Tokio.  We’ve got some neat things planned and I’ve enjoyed visiting with Chad, the group leader.  He’s bringing a group of 15 high-school and college-age kids who love the Lord and ready to serve and learn.  Please keep us in your prayers . . . Chad and his gang will be driving all day on Friday and part of Saturday.  Ask the Lord to give them safe travel and prepare their hearts, even while they travel.  Pray, too, for the logisitics of the week . . . that the little details run smoothly.  And most importantly, pray that our time together would be clearly directed by the Lord . . . that He would guide, that He would speak, that He would be the Center of every program, every conversation, and every new friendship.  Pray that we would live out His love.   
Thanks much, friends . . . I’ll post updates as time allows!
        Tyrone (far right) is spending the month up here with us!


3 responses to “Summer Schedule”

  1. How cool is that……..Tyrone for a whole month! Can I have him when you’re done? Tell him I said “Hi!” and that I’m jealous you get him. Have a great month together, you all are awesome!

  2. We’ll be praying for you and your team! Tell Tyrone we’ll be praying for him also, that God will show him new things.
    Love, Sue