
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Summer vacation is officially coming to an end with school starting this MONDAY!  I’ll spend my mornings at the school in Oberon again this year, keeping an eye on the kids during recess and helping out with the students in the special education program.  The first day of school is like a reunion and I’m excited to see the kids again!
The ladies from California did a great job with VBS at the Tokio housing a couple of weeks ago.  They had a great turn-out, averaging around 35 kids each evening.  My job was running the registration table.  One evening as I sat at the table, I heard the kids singing one of their VBS songs in the back room of the Boys and Girls Club.  The words of the song are from a verse in Psalms, “You are forgiving and good, Oh Lord…”  For some reason, the simple truth of those words struck me and I was overwhelmed with thankfulness.  A few minutes later, a friend who had brought her little boys to VBS and was singing with them in the back, came out to where I was sitting.  As she and I began to visit, she commented about that song, too, and told me that she felt like she needed to hear the message of that song.  What a blessing that the Lord so graciously speaks to both children and adults in this way.  The week of VBS was certainly encouraging!
       One of the pre-school girls showing off her playdough snake

                     The wonderful VBS ladies from California!
Thanks so much to those of you who have been remembering Shelby and Brian in your prayers.  In many ways, they have a long road ahead, adjusting to life without their mom…lots of changes ahead.  I was finally able to spend some quality time with Shelby this past week and both she and Brian came to youth group this past Wednesday night.  Keep them in your prayers as they adjust and as the logistics of legal issues get figured out.  Above all, please pray that the Lord would protect them and keep them both close to Him as they walk through this.