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A couple of weeks ago, the PULSE team held an event here at Spirit Lake.  For those of you who may not be familiar with PULSE, here’s the deal:  PULSE travels to college campuses, hosting Christian rock concerts and telling people about Jesus (click here for more info about PULSE).  What was especially neat about having them here was that we were the first stop of their first-ever Tribal College Tour, traveling to reservations all across the state! 
The PULSE team brought Native hip-hop artist, Kaboose, and the Christian rock band, Bread of Stone to the event at the college in Fort Totten.  The crowd ranged in age all the way from very young kids to elders . . . I think someone counted about 100 people there at one point during the evening.  More importantly, those who came heard about a Creator who loves them and sacrificed His Son for them.  Please pray that that message of truth would take root in the hearts of the people and that they would choose to live lives that honor Him. 
Here are a couple of pictures from the evening.  Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support, dear friends.
         Bread of Stone at Spirit Lake Nation for the Tribal College Tour

                      Check it out:

2 responses to “PULSE”

  1. That’s awesome, Naomi. God so loves His native people! Praying for all of you! To God Be The Glory!

  2. Wow! God is really bringing some creative ways to share the
    gospel there. We praise Him with you. You continue to be in our prayers, that God would continue to use you and protect you and those you are ministering to.