My new “community activity” for the rest of winter is definitely going to be high-school basketball games. I hit the jackpot last time and last night was much the same…
As I started out on the 35-mile drive to the town where the game was, feeling tired and a little lazy, a part of me wondered, Why am I even going to this? Is it really worth it? I didn’t bother to spend much time trying to answer either of those questions and instead breathed a quick prayer of surrender. Whatever, Lord…I’m sure You have a reason. I know well that the Lord has plans and thoughts and purposes far beyond my own. It’s not my place to figure them out; it’s my place to obey.
As I was making my way into the gym, a little girl came running up to me, got as close as she could without running into me, tipped her head up, looked me in the eye, and said, “…hi.” It was our last-minute Mary from the Christmas program! I also saw one of the wisemen and two of the angels and was so happy to get to talk with them and give them hugs…they are sweet kids!
And like last time, I got hugs from many of the teenage girls who had been campers at FaHoCha. I was glad to smile and say hello to some of the adults and family members of the people from the Tokio church. I was glad to laugh and cheer during the game with one of the girls from my youth group. Behind us in the stands was one of the youngest angels from the Christmas program, eating a handful of popcorn, giving me a high-five, eating another handful of popcorn, giving me another high-five…and so on. 🙂
One of my goals (and dreams) for this year has been to get to know people in this community and let them get to know me. I didn’t experience any “lightning bolt” reasons for being at the game last night, but I think I got a glimpse of the slow unveiling of a bigger picture. I got a taste of being part of the community…and that’s exciting.
Please pray that as people get to know me and as I get to know them, they would sense the Holy Spirit and be drawn to Him. Pray for opportunities to build relationships and share Truth with these dear people.
Thank you for all the updates that you send. I just want to let you know that I am
praying for you and your ministry on the reservation. God is using you to do His work among the Native Americans on the
reservation. They definately must since your love for them.