
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I hadn’t seen any of the youth group boys since before Christmas and began to wonder when (or if?) they’d come back to youth group.  My questions (and prayers) were answered last night when two of them showed up at the church.  Only one of the girls was able to come last night, so we had a small group again.  Of course I love to have all of the kids there, but I really don’t mind the smaller group…sometimes that creates an atmosphere where they feel more comfortable and free to share and ask questions.  And I absolutely love when they do that…

Last night we read through John 10 and one of the boys got a little skeptical, asking how Jesus could be God and the Son of God at the same time.  I used the egg illustration (one egg:  three different parts) to talk about the Trinity and I could see the wheels turning as that concept began to sink in.  After a minute, he leaned back in his chair and nodded slowly, seeming to understand and accept that answer. 

I was telling a friend last night about how much I appreciate the fact that these kids are willing to ask questions.  I love that they are willing to come to Bible study.  I love that when they come, even though they often appear to be uninterested and uncaring, they actually are listening.  I love that as they listen, they think.  And I love that when they think, they are willing to ask

Please pray that as they come, listen, think, and ask, they would continue to understand and accept the truth of God’s Word.  Pray that they would begin to recognize the voice of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and follow Him. 

I am asking the Lord to guide and comfort you, as well, dear Prayer Warriors.  I am so thankful to serve and fight with you.