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Ever since I was young, May has been a transition time…usually because my schedule revolves around the school year and summer break officially begins in May! 🙂 May is also graduation month around here, which was extra special this year because Joy (one of my very faithful youth group girls) graduated from high school! Neither of her parents are living and she lives with her grandpa (middle picture below), so several of us got together to throw her an open house, complete with balloons, potato salad, and a cake! 😉 I am incredibly proud of Joy and incredibly thankful for how the Lord has taken care of her. It was pretty amazing to watch her walk across the stage and receive her diploma (Pastor Larry is the President of the school board, so he got to hand it to her)! Joy is hoping to go to Bible college (!!) this fall, so please be praying about that. Ask the Lord to work out the details and give Joy the wisdom and courage to step forward with her plans. Also ask the Lord to give her and her family peace as she makes plans for the future. 

Joy and her Grandpa
May has been a transition time for me, too, and I would appreciate your prayers as I make plans for the future. For awhile now, I’ve been feeling like the time to move on is coming soon. I don’t know exactly where the Lord will have me next, but there are several options and I’m waiting to see what will work out. Right now, moving to Bismarck is a strong possibility, which is especially exciting to me because of the connections I have there with people who I came to know and love during my time here at Spirit Lake! It’s amazing to me how the Lord has our past and present experiences tied to His future plans. Like I said, the details are not clear yet, but I know that the transition is approaching quickly. Please ask the Lord to give me wisdom and peace as I seek and make plans. Pray that the Lord would help me to stay focused while I am still here and to make the most of each day. Please pray that this transition would be smooth, not only for me, but for my dear friends here at Spirit Lake. Ask the Lord to strengthen our faith during this transition time. Pray that HE would be our confidence and our hope! Thank you so very much, dear friends, for your continued prayers and support. I will keep you posted and send out more detailed information as plans unfold!