
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today as I watched the kids play “zombie” (their variation of tag) during recess, I realized again how amazing it is that the Lord knows every detail and arranges every circumstance so perfectly.  Recess has provided the perfect opportunity to get to know these kids, hear their stories, learn about their families, and get a glimpse into their lives.  Yesterday while I was pushing her on the swings, one of the kindergarten girls told me about a “scary movie” that she saw with her mom.  My heart sunk when I realized that the movie she was telling me about was an “R” rated movie that came out this past Halloween.  Pray that the Lord would extend His grace and mercy to these young hearts and minds and protect them!  

An answer to prayer also came yesterday during recess . . . I requested prayer that the Lord would provide more opportunities for me to get involved here.  He floored me yesterday when one of the 5th grade girls came up to me and asked if I would be able to do a “church thing” with some of the girls after school . . . !  It was hard to know how to respond right away because there was a part of me that couldn’t believe what I had just heard.  When my brain finally cleared, I told her that we could definitely work that out.  We talked again today during recess and decided to officially start our “church thing” the week after Thanksgiving.  Thank the Lord with me and please pray that He will continue to give direction and wisdom in this opportunity!