
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I know that people say this all the time and I almost hate to use the cliche, but I honestly cannot believe how fast the time is flying by.  I feel like I am starting to see relationships building . . . and that excites me!  I think that patience and persistence are definitely keys out here.

I was reminded again yesterday of how difficult life is for many of the dear people here on the reservation.  One of the 1st grade boys was acting up and we later learned that over this past weekend, his aunt was shot in the head.  Another 7th grade girl told me today at recess about making preparations for her cousin’s wake.  Death is such a “normal” part of life for many of the people on the reservation and it is impossible to imagine how that must impact these children.  Please continue to pray and ask the Lord to speak His truth and hope to the precious people here.   

Last Wednesday (Halloween), I ran around Devils Lake picking up pizzas, pop, and three of my girls before heading over to the church in Tokio.  Ten (!!) youth showed up for the pizza/movie night.  Pastor Larry and a couple others from the church rigged up a make-shift “screen” on the wall, so it was almost like being at the theater.  Almost.  😉  We had a great night.  I kept looking around at the youth who were there, thanking the Lord that they would be willing to spend their Halloween evening at the church.  The Lord has already done above and beyond what I imagined and I am incredibly humbled and so blessed to be a part of what He is doing here.  We’ll continue working our way through the book of John at Bible Study tonight . . . on to chapter 5.  Please continue to pray for these youth and ask the Holy Spirit to be drawing each of them to Himself as He speaks through His word. 

Please pray for me, too.  I’m looking for ways to get more involved in the community and I need the Lord to give me ideas, opportunities, and open doors.  Pray that I will be a good steward of my time and resources as the Lord continues to guide and direct. 

Thanks so much, faithful friends.