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Last night at youth group, a few of us were sitting around the table, talking and eating pizza, and I was thinking about how long it had been since I had written a blog update (my apologies!).  Sitting there, wishing that each of you could experience a Wednesday-night Bible study with us, this thought came to me:  Wouldn’t it be great if one of the kids wrote about what we do on Wednesdays?! 
I pitched the idea to the kids and got a taker, so after the Bible study lesson, Brittney sat down at my computer and wrote an update.  And here you have it.
 Naomi, Shelby, Joy, Skye and I are sitting at the boys and girls club where we meet every Wednesday for youth night. Tonight we read and studied II Thessalonians. We talked about final judgment. Final judgment to me means when God comes back one last time to judge and decide who’s forgiven and who isn’t. A question we were asked after the chapter of final judgment is “Why do Christians have no reason to fear the final judgment?” This question really stuck out to me and caught my attention because I’ve heard so many answers to that question as I was growing up. My two favorite were “If you know where you’re going then you have no reason to be afraid of the rapture.” and “Judgment day should be something to look forward to.” I think both answers are right and I totally agree with them. I use to fear that I wouldn’t be forgiven and that I would never get a chance to meet God. Until I was introduced to a new way of life and that was living for the lord and getting to know him. I realized it was something better to have and I wanted it. I am working on my relationship with him and I have to be honest. Life has certainly been a whole lot better. This leads me to the next chapter we talked about; standing firm. It is easy to lose faith in the lord and get distracted. Your peers might give you the wrong ideas and temptation might urge you to do the wrong thing. Standing firm means to not be swayed and stand strong for what you believe in. The example used in this study was a boxing match. You’re losing and you’re tired out but you just have to keep fighting and not give up. Win or lose you still made it through the fight. The last chapter we talked about was Idleness. Which means even though you’re a christian you’ve been saved, basically you’re good to go. But you’re not doing anything to further your relationship with the lord, you’re being lazy. When we feel that we are being lazy we should read our bibles, discuss the lord’s word with others, spread the lord’s word, tell others about him, pray and talk to God. Knowing that you’re saved and whatnot but not doing anything to help others isn’t good. Stranger or not, would you help someone if they were hanging off a cliff or would you watch them fall to their death?
–Brittney Pretty Weasel 18
                              Brittney writing this update last night
Thanks so much for your prayers, dear friends.  Please continue to ask the Lord to reveal His truth to each of us so that we can stand firm (2 Thessalonians 2:15)!

4 responses to “From Brittney”

  1. Brittany, I loved what you wrote. It sounds like you are learning a lot. Hang on to the truth and you will make it. Carrol