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Thoughts & Inspiration

This past weekend, I attended a memorial service for Jami Jetty, the 14-year old young lady who ended her life one year ago.  At her funeral last year, I sang Nothing But the Blood of Jesus (click here to read about that) and Pastor Larry asked me to sing that song again at the memorial this past Sunday.  Several things stand out to me when I think about being there that afternoon . . . realizing how my relationship with Jami’s family has grown over the year, having visits with girls from school, getting hugs from youth group kids . . . it really is an honor to be a part of this community. 
It’s been so interesting to watch how the Lord has been working through all of this during the past year.  Shortly after Jami’s death, Jami’s mother and sister joined us on Wednesday night when we happened to be studying Ephesians 6 (click here to read the full story).  During this past year, Jami’s mom has made numerous presentations about suicide prevention and she includes the Ephesians 6 message in her presentation.  At Jami’s memorial this past weekend, it was pointed out that there have been NO SUCCESSFUL suicides on the reservation this past year (Native youth have the highest rate of suicide of any group in the nation).  Jami was the last one to successfully end her own life.  While that loss still brings sadness, we rejoice in the victory that the Lord has given this past year! 

Please thank the Lord with us and continue to pray that HE would receive all the glory and honor for this victory.  Pray that His Word would continue to take root in the hearts of the precious people here and would continue to bring victory and freedom as they acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

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